Announcing the Brooklyn Eruv

We are pleased to announce the new Brooklyn Eruv which encompasses most of the borough of Brooklyn.

When Shlome Hamelech instituted the laws of eruvin, a bas kol proclaimed[1] ואמרה בני אם חכם לבך ישמח לבי גם אני, My son, if your heart is wise, My heart shall rejoice as well.

The Baal Shem Tov teaches us[2]"[בשם] הבעש"ט ז"ל פי הפ' בזע"ם תצעד ארץ זעם ר"ת זביחה עירובין מקוואות שע"י דברים אלו תצעד ותתייסד הארץ" that eruvin is one of the three fundaments that require rectification.

Additionally, it is important to note the Tashbatz:

דרך ת"ח הוא לתקן ומי שלבו נוקפו בזה הדיוטות גמורה היא או מינות נזרקה בו. וזכות גדולה היא למתקן

Gedolei Yisroel made use of eruvin, as stated in Shaar Hakavanos regarding the Arizal[3] והנה ראיתי למורי ז"ל שבשחרית יום שבת היה מוליך עמו הטלי' והחומש מביתו לבהכ"נ וגם היה מוליכו לבית הטבילה אשר מחוץ לעיר צפת ת"ו אותה הנודעת ולא היה מקפיד וחושש לחקור בענין העירוב שנעשה בשיתוף כל המבואות צפת ת"ו אם היה נעשין כהלכתן או לאו, I saw my teacher, may his memory be blessed, on Shabbos day. He would walk with his tallis and his chumash from his home to the synagogue, and he also would take it to the mikva which was outside the city of Tzfas,[4] and he was not vigilant to inquire whether or not the eruv was made properly.[5] The Minchas Elazar wrote,[6] אכן מנהגנו ומנהג אבותינו ורבותינו הקדושים זי"ע לדקדק לישא במקום שיש עירוב, It is our custom, and was the custom of our parents and our holy teachers zy”a, to specifically carry in a place where there is an eruv.

The eruv was created l’mehadrin min hamehadrin and is even kosher according to the Rambam. The eruv was established for the following reasons:

1) To save one who carries inadvertently.

2) And those who unfortunately carry advertently (Nefesh Chayah, siman 25 and Bais Av, 2:1:25).

3) In order to enhance the oneg Shabbos of all; those with babies at home can go for walks, to visit bubbie and zeidie, and to the park etc. (Perishah, O.C. 395:1; see also Emek Shalah, Parshas Kedoshim, ois 10). Additionally, to enble all those who are, unfortunately, wheelchair bound to be out and about without having to pay for a non-Jew to transport them.

This project has been in the works for a number of years and entailed much hard work. Though we have generous donors, we still have much outstanding debt and do not have the entire maintenance budget covered. Therefore, we ask of you to partner in this special mitzvah and make a monthly commitment to this eruv. We urge all to donate according to their ability, even if only one dollar a month, and those who can afford more תבוא עליו ברכה.

For those who have any halachic questions, please feel free to email your questions, and, G-d willing, we will answer the questions on the website.

(To read the Rabbinic Letters for the Brooklyn Eruv, click here).

[1] עירובין דף כא עמוד א

[2] בית אהרון ליקוטים דף קמה

[3] שער הכונות עמוד ו

[4] This tells us that he carried in an eruv dependent on shitas Rashi, since outside of a city by definition is a sratya which is classified as a rshus harabbim unless you rely on Rashi.

[5] See נימוקי אורח חיים from the Minchas Elazar (Hilchos Shabbos page 229) who explains that he relied on the person checking it weekly, and beyond that, we are not required to check as we rely on chazaka.

[6] נמוקי אורח חיים הלכות שבת עמוד רל